Hey, Where’s My Eye?
Hey Folks! I need your help finding my eye. I lost it years ago and rumor has it humans have been carrying it around the world and dropping it in unique places for others to discover. If you find it, make a video or take a picture, maybe with your canine friend, and the “eye”, and let me know where you found it. Drop me an email at [email protected], or post a video or picture on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Then take it somewhere far, far away and leave it for another to find. One day I hope to get an “eye” on the International Space Station, or maybe even Mars. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Help Me Locate My Eye
- Click on button below and follow us on Facebook.
- Post a fun video or photo on Facebook of you with my eye and tag the location where you found it. Be sure to include the hashtag #heywheresmyeye in the description, and don’t forget to make it “Public” for all to enjoy.
- Click on button below and follow us on Instagram.
- Post a fun video or photo on Instagram of you with my eye and tag the location where you found it. Be sure to include the hashtag #heywheresmyeye in the description.
- Click on button below and follow us on Twitter.
- Post a fun video or photo on Twitter of you with my eye. Be sure to include the hashtag #heywheresmyeye in the description and also mention the location where it was found.
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